Water-Energy-Food Nexus Initiative has on-going pilot projects focused on supporting the planning for Water-Energy-Food resources in San Antonio and the surrounding region (Texas Water Development Board Regions L and K). This effort, underway since October 2015, reached out to engage the Stakeholder community and share outputs of the science accomplished to date in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF) Stakeholder Information and Engagement Workshop.
Leaders from diverse technical, academic, research, and business backgrounds who work in the water, energy, and food sectors in San Antonio and South Texas attended.
PowerPoint presentations
Participants received general information about the Nexus and the activities already underway by the Texas A&M research partners and associates. Participants learned details of six San Antonio case studies from the lead researchers. Information was also provided about the National Science Foundation NSF INFEWS initiative by the WEF initiative leadership.